I believe I am someone who buys the carrot-and-stick principle. So to make sure I can really reduce my weight to 52kg by July, I need to buy myself a bathroom scale tomorrow!
p/s: I will post how much I weight now and let you all drop jaw and break into laughter to laugh at how FAT I am. I think only in that way I can reduce weight!
My dear brother's carrot-stick is really motivating! I must slim down!!!
p/s: I will post how much I weight now and let you all drop jaw and break into laughter to laugh at how FAT I am. I think only in that way I can reduce weight!
My dear brother's carrot-stick is really motivating! I must slim down!!!
Always refreshing here...
you stayed up until so late....
yalar cheat me! Stay so late sumo cannot see how FAT you are. CHEATER!!
Okay. Cannot laugh now. Go meeting first. Come back later only laugh.
lol. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Bro Seek Weng!
I notice you do gym also? Wanna have 6 packs?
lol. Just for health. Of course with that aim also. lol. How long u started?
what 6 packs. You mean 8 packs? Hahaha.
i actually started last year Oct like that.. but then stopped for quite a while.. recently resume..
wow 8 packs? @@
I have some tips for you. Real female model. lol.
http://www.simplyshredded.com at female fitness section.
read it up how they eat n do workout for each day. Then you'll be one of them with sexy body! next time no need to worry wearing bikini. lol. (kidding)
8 packs pulak. pengsan lo.
OMG JESS.. you need a few times of bukit tabur! Scared die me,,, 60kg worrrrrr??! u wear jeans ar? or u din pang sai??
must be constipate few days di hahaha
eh seriously lor.. i think constipated.. now dropped to 58kg... haha
wow. like that ar, few days 2kg.. i think July can 40kg liao xD
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