Monday, December 21, 2009


So far my holidays have been a waste, I do nothing other than sleeping and watching...

I need to resume and speed up my reading... Still tonnes of books to read!!! 


Dorae-ong said...

This holiday I read 5 books and still reading ... Studying real and complex analysis ... No TV, No movie except 2012 ... Very discipline leh ha ha.

Alvin Soh said...

That's why you are one of those whom I respect much.

nostalgia.jesskang said...

I am guilty now!!

Dorae-ong said...

Miss Kang, the whole point is to make you feel guilty, yeah! Success.

Mr Soh, no need to respect, I read and study because no girl want to go out with me, so I got all the free time, unlike somebody got GF ... ha ha.