Sunday, July 18, 2010

Historical Peace Agreement Reached Between SOA and CAS

I find this long-awaited resolutions to decades of in-fighting kinda amusing (this might only be able to crack jokes among actuaries). Below are the Summary of Societal Control and Items Remaining In Joint Societal Control published by Actuarial Review.

Summary of Societal Control

CAS: Double-breasted suits
SOA: "High-waters"


Exam Tools
CAS: The BA-35 and TI 30X II calculators
SOA: The BA30II and BA II Pkus calculators

Exam Website
CAS: Web-notes
SOA: Lots of pull-down menus

Data Formats
CAS: All data in triangular or parallelogram form, excluding rectangles
SOA: All data in rectangular form

Excel Tools
CAS: Pivot tables
SOA: Solver macro

Job Perks
CAS: High-paying job opportunities, Large Professional Designation certificates
SOA: Incoherent technobabble, Mechanical pencils that actually work well

CAS: Karaoke night
SOA: Scrabble champion training camps

Items Remaining In Joint Societal Control
Lengthy and effusive PowerPoint presentations
Jokes about actuaries being introverted or socially awkward

Okay, this might not be funny to you. =(

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