My mum bought this a few months ago. Since I am free recently, I dig out some info regarding salt crystal lamp. Do you believe this bloody ordinary salt will actually benefit us so stupendously?
To my amaze, this lamp has to be switched on 24 hours ceaselessly. If it were ever switched off for a short period, it would start sweating which I don't understand the underlying reason. Supposely things melt when they are heated but salt crystal lamp is just to the contrary.
If you are interested, this is the history of it.
I found it weird too that it gives so many benefits ... many people have it in their house ...
I saw many in one of my friends's house before XD
My mum even asked me to put one at PJ house @.@ to minimize my nose sensitiviy and asthma; however I didn't do so as it is not cheap and I'm skeptical it actually benefits us amazingly...
haha..i got one in each room except my parents room...n one more in the living room..
u noe wat..
my uncle is so out-of-his-mind when he realize that his crystal salt lamp is 'sweating'..
hence, guess wat,
instead of switching on the lamp everyday, he painted it with a coat of white paint to prevent the 'sweating' to occur..weird huh?
i ony got to noe it during one my CNY visitation last year..
i kinda think dat this lamp is USELESS..The seller told my mum that this lamp can ward off mosquitoes..but, there is still lots of mosquitoes bitting me at nite..my house is like a living jungle to me..=.=
OMG sweat Your uncle is really sweat...
You put beside your computer?
so.... the bottom line is... what is the use of a salt lamp again?
LOL ... paint it white? =.=" still got effect meh? XD
Err ... who knows
...my house have these...even have extras...and it is sweating tremendously in my room becoz my bro cant stand the light of the lamp while sleeping so he will switch it off every night while bed time and will turn it on when he is awake..swt...that makes his study table full of the salts...crazy...till now i still dont knw what it would benifit me....swt...kacau saja...
Lol ... swt liao no more effect gua ... thats why u cant feel it ... if got effect oso i dun think we can feel it -.-"
ya right...swt...thats really irritating...waste of space...but my mom insisted that i add one in my room...so...oh well...just use...
why it seems everyone has one O_O
i never even heard of it thill i read it here
you are not out of date are you catguin?......
I dun have one XD
It is not the matter of out-of-date or not, but it is the matter you believe and want it to be at home...
So don't be uncomfortable if you don't have one at home...
yes i am very outdated T_T i am still living in the past where cat and penguin use to breed together XDXD
and i saw one in utar pa today
din put it bside my computer, put it on top of my cupboard, to keep away d mosquitoes...no effect oso..+.+
it wont keep the mosq away la os....crazy....well i agree with jess....its not the matter of out dated...but still cat is outdated not knwing....ngek ngek ngek...im sooo bad.....
guess wat?? my workplace also have a lotz...almost 6 tables have it out of 10...izit that cheap or wateva....XD
-_- damson is evil
hey, do u think some some auntie actually is amazed that it will sweat and then think its magical? I have encounter those who believe in this kind of things
now thats evil....thinking that it sweat is magic?...its just a salt melting pls....swt longer and your salt lamp will gone and left a bulb for ya...swt...
LOL ... another light source for you
salt melting...doesnt salt melt when its hot? why off the light only it will sweat?
come on, aunties relly believe la. I just saw one in my aunt house today XDXD
The salt lamps "sweat" because salt absorbs moisture from the air, and yours sweats a lot because it is not from Poland but from Pakistan, and their salt has different physical properties that cause the salt to absorb a lot of moisture from the surrounding air. Polish salt is older geologically and a will hardly ever "sweat" which makes it a superior and more desirable than others.
Nice to meet you, the salt man...
Thanks for the invaluable knowledege...
Then how come when we switch on the bulb, the salt no longer "sweats"? Is it because the heat dries it up?
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