Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cliche 4

Short Talk: Can someone tell me what is going on in Tibet? What is the relationship between Tibetan and Chinese? Dalai Lama is not a name? A family name instead? Currently the Tibet in Exile is ruled by the 14th Dalai Lama? That is to mean there are many Dalai Lamas since ages ago? What is Tibet in Exile, having different ruler from Tibet? I'm so confused...

"Change the world by changing how you look at the world"

"Improving the situation by improving how you look at the situation" (self-created cliche, but how far it is true from the cliche above, huh?)


Unknown said...

About the relationship between Tibet and China, please refer to

About Dalai Lama, you may refer to

nostalgia.jesskang said...

Hmmm... It's hell bloody long....

nostalgia.jesskang said...

Haha... Actually I went to the sites you mentioned, but I think this kind of topic will be more interesting if we have one to "discuss" with.... Haha