After rebonding and dyeing my hair for times, my hair is now dying. I'm so lazy to do hair treatment though I know my hair reaches the critical stage already. As a result of being at the brim of death, my hair is as "yellow" as the fallen autumn leaves. I know autumn leaves look much nicer than my hair >.<

Spring season is creeping in and I hear Chinese New Year songs humming from far. In order to have a better look during the grand and big festive season, I have to undergo hair treatment once a week. =.= (I know I'm too ugly to ask for a nicer look)
=.=" i've seen worse one ... so dry and dead >.<
Jess i dun understand y u wanna dye ur hair...
That not only will spoil ur hair, but will cause cancer as well!!
My parents have been grounding me for a few times regarding that... But somehow I just like it, just do it... LOL
My mum will KILL me if i dye my hair!!!
You know how i hope i can have a try... Hehe...
Why do parents forbid their child to dye hair? They worry others will treat their child as lala chai or lala lui? Or they are worried of the child's health?
For my parents, they are both =.=
Never thought of printing my hair in colour...oops, I mean, no, dying...dry and die? >< no way!
I prefer black, I think Asians are lucky cause almost all of us born with black hair :P but I prefer blue eyes there a way to dye our eyes? Now that would be something cool and I need.
Wear colored contact lens
Wear contact lens no good le ... =.= later melt u blind @.@
My mum actually asked my sis to dye her heair once before @.@
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