Looking at stacks of facts, theories, processes, examples, my brain is really going to burst soon. I can understand those facts, theories, blah blah blah, but somehow I find that if I don’t memorize, definitely I’m going to screw this subject up tomorrow. Management is really hard to read, even tougher than History, you still can treat History book as a story book and enjoy it (to some extent), but it’s not for Management.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
When should I call it a day?
Saturday, April 28, 2007
i wish to have five sources of power
legitimate power
to let me rule this moral-corrupted world
reward power
to let me reward those good Samaritans
coercive power
to let me punish those bastards
expert power
to let me use what expertise i have to improve this world
referent power
to let me use my personality to inspire people to build a peaceful world
Bye Bye...
Thanks to all my housemates. When I came here, I knew very little about PJ and they showed me around, sampling all the nice food in PJ. When I came here, I was a computer idiot, because of them (all either take Computer Science or Business Information System), I become more computer literate. Hehe…
Thanks, thanks again for all your great care. Take care!!! Cheerio!!!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Equal Right
While arguing about the gender equality, why don’t we solve the “everyone has equal right” problem first?
Where Is Courtesy?
This is what we categorize as Malaysian?
Where is my courtesy?
Where is your courtesy?
Where are their courtesy?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Somehow I find myself now in utopia. Though getting tips for tomorrow exam, I’m still lazy to work on it. I keep telling myself it’s a language related paper, why must I prepare, it just tests on our writing skills. “English is the easiest subject to prepare yet the most dangerous subject to take”, quoted from Hung Yin. It’s pretty true; I got 3.95 in the last two semesters because of the stupid papers (English Language and Public Speaking). And I don’t think I can get past the hurdle this sem as well. If I really get A- for this paper, somehow I can’t get 3.95 anymore because there are only three subjects in this sem. Sometimes, I really doubt what I learned in the lectures can be applied in exam. If I show you those notes and the exam paper, I’m pretty sure you will pity me. Both are almost unrelated. And yet the standard they set is so high to reach (at least for me, not sure about others), this makes me don’t have the momentum to look for info nor glance through all the notes and tutorial questions for once. For your info, I asked my class rep not to photocopy the notes for me, as I know I won’t look at it. Hehe.
Somehow I find myself infected with "blogging pandemic", instead of spending time to read more essay samples, I’m here doing my best endeavors to add a new post.
Somehow I find that the reality to sit for exam is not far from now.
Somehow I find that my overzealous endeavors in blogging may lead me to a catastrophe tomorrow.
Somehow I find that guilt is gushing out of my heart.
Somehow I find there is a war zone in my body, a fight between overzealous endeavors in blogging and guilt of not studying.
Somehow I find that…..
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Some people love their pet more than people around them because pet is more loyal. Pet will not burden you so much in sense of expenditure.
For me, I still love human more.
How about you? :)
Be Good to Your Liver
The following is the mail my friend sent me “be good to your liver”:
- Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause.
- Not urinating in the morning.
- Too much eating.
- Skipping breakfast.
- Consuming too much medication.
- Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
- Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oil like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
- Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to "schedule."
Evening at 9 - 11pm:
Evening at 11pm - 1am:
the de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
Morning 5 - 7am:
Endless Night
Regardless how many health articles I’ve read about the effects of insufficient sleep, I still stay up late either to study (only when exam is approaching or during exam weeks) or online. When I read that staying up late and insufficient sleep can take a great toll on not only our liver but also other part of our organs, I start to be scared. I don’t want to leave this beautiful world so soon, so many things are waiting ahead for me to explore. Hehe.
I read one article in Reader’s Digest (forgot which issue) about insufficient sleep. Researches by researches have found that no matter how balanced and nutritious your meal is and how much you exercise every week, if you don’t have enough sleep for a long period, it will lead to health defect. It’s quite scary to study all those results of researches. I tried to “sleep early and wake up early” but those attempts were to no avail. I think it’s simply because of my feeble heart and night activities seem more attractive to me. When I was young a few years back, I thought that “stay up late and wake up late” is same with “sleep early and wake up early”, some how later I found out that things cannot just be calculated mathematically, “stay up late and wake up late” differs from “sleep early and wake up early” a lot though the amount of time spent on sleeping is the same.
Supposedly I should sleep now as I slept at 5am last night and woke up at 10am this morning. I tried to sleep just now. However instead of laying on bed and doing nothing, I switch on my laptop and am surfing net again. According to researches, 5 hours is not enough for us, rather we should sleep around 6 to 8 hours every day. Furthermore, the quality of sleeping last night was not so good, I woke up quite a few times simply because I scared I overslept. Due to several nights by which I sleep at 5am, I think tonight will be another endless night. I’m wondering if I’m suffering the sleeping disorder. =.=
I received something lame yet meaningful today
Well, my birthday had just passed a few days ago. I didn’t celebrate as I don’t really like to celebrate my birthday. This is perhaps because of my superstitious mum telling me that I’m not suitable to celebrate birthday since I was young. She said if I celebrate my birthday, my academic performance will drop and my future will be in ruin. So since I was young, I was quite scared to celebrate my own birthday. Silly right?
In this E-world, everything really runs digitally. My friends are not excluded as well. My mobile phone, Friendster comments and testimonial section and mail box were flooded with wishing messages on my birthday. I was quite touched receiving all those messages. Perhaps I should say I was really touched (not until I received a card today) as my friends still remembered my birthday during the study leave. All were busy preparing for exam. Besides, my secondary friends wished me as well since we lost contact for one year. Hereby, I would like to thank Ewe Chin, Shane, Kelvin, Timothy, Chai Iee, Janice, Yu Han, Vincent, Fui Lee, Foong Kheng, Billy, Bing Shing, Yi Cheng, Chor Yen, Nancent, Kelvin(again), Sim, Joyce for their wishes via SMS. The order goes according to the order in my phone. Besides, I would like to thank those who wished me in MSN and Friendster: Onn Sein, Jeff, John J, Chi Sern, Shaw Chian, Shu Vien, Paey Ting, Ling Han, Stepfyn, Shu Han, Jacqueline, Teow Kheok, Shu Han, Janice Low, Ka Hoel, Mr. Lee and so forth. Sorry for those name that I had forgotten. My coconut is a RAM not a hard disk, cannot store long term memory.
However, today I received a birthday wishing card from my bosom friend in
I would like to thank Shane as well as he gave me a valuable book as a birthday present. Start wondering why my friends are so lame? This is perhaps because I’m a lamer. Among the wishes, the ones Shane and Kelvin wished me are the most special. However, I’m not going to reveal them here, I will just keep them to myself.
From this, again I would like to say that it’s not necessary how grand your birthday celebration has to be or how expensive your birthday present has to be. An ordinary card or present with unordinary (sincere) wishes can be far better than the former ones if it’s not sincere.
To conclude, I would say my 19th birthday is MEMORABLE.
p/s: The card above was given by Ewe Chin
Monday, April 23, 2007
Exam, exam and exam
Phew! After days of laboring, finally my first paper was over. The paper is not as hard as I expected. But I prefer to take it seriously because my overconfidence last sem almost killed me in the exam. Hopefully the coming two papers will be still within my ability and manageable.
This exam really affected my mood badly. As I’m determined to score 3.90 to maintain my scholarship, I found out that I’m getting more and more freaked out sem by sem when exam is around the corner. I’m scared of exam and even have exam fever. Actually whether getting scholarship is not a big deal for me in sense of financial problem, but I think a brilliant scholar should get scholarship, it is an honor. Sometimes, I wonder whether it is honor or future that drives me to strive for excellence. Hehe.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I’ve finally done partial of my self-evaluation. All my disappointments were actually triggered by my negative mind. I’d lost my self-control as I left home too long; as a result my emotions were disturbed easily. I confined myself too much in a denial state. My result for my partial self-evaluation is that all this is actually a matter of mind over matter.
I should not care too much of how others judge my effort.
I should not do last minute work which cause me freaked out at the end. “We do not plan to fail, but we fail to plan”, this is what happens to me.
I should not be so vulnerable to negative thoughts; instead I should control my emotions more.
Beautiful Sunday
This is my ever first Sunday morning at home after the seven torturing weeks in PJ. I’m so happy and blissful. My shoulders are now free of burden. I’m as light as feather. No words come across my mind; I have no beautiful words to describe this ever beautiful Sunday. However, one song keeps playing in my mind and heart:
I think I'll take a walk in the park
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
I've got someone waiting for me
And when I see her I know that she'll say
Hey, hey, hey, what a beautiful day
Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day
Birds are singing, you by my side
Lets take a car and go for a ride
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
We'll drive on and follow the sun
Making Sunday go on and on
Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day
Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day
Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day
Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday
This is my, my, my, beautiful day
When you said, said, said, said that you loved me
Oh my, my, my, it's a beautiful day
Life is not always beer and skittles. After enjoying this Sunday, I've to study for final exam...
A Narrow Escape
After much struggles, I decided to go back home. I nearly broke down in PJ, a hell as well as a heaven for me. For the first few weeks of Semester 3, PJ was really a heaven for me. I enjoyed myself everyday. When it was coming to the end of the semester, PJ was no more a heaven; it’s a hell for me. I miss my family so much! I don’t think I could stand this kind of life (eat out everyday and wash clothes) anymore, so I choose to sail my ship to anchor in “
Friday, April 13, 2007
Foundation Studies is coming to the end
It’s April 13th 2007 today, Friday… Duh… This indicates my foundation studies is creeping to the end… One thing that I regret is that I didn’t spend much time with more friends. My circle of friend is limited to TD3 only. Worst still, I didn’t know much about some of my classmates. It’s really embarrassing to tell others I don’t even know much about my own classmates. I missed many chances to get to know friends more in other TDs. Many of them out there are pretty fun and special.
I really have to evaluate myself on my socialization. =.=
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Circle of Bloggers Is Expanding
My list of “Harbors for Anchoring” is expanding… Obviously, it is a good sign.
I was inspired by Shu Vien to blog; now I’m inspiring others to blog. Blogging is not only fun but at the time a very good place for us to release our feelings, to share information, and to be kept as e-diary (just in case contract Alzheimer’s disease one day) XD.
One of my friends, Tommy told me that blogging will not last long, as it’s just a vogue for us now. I’m not sure whether he is right or not. We shall see then, how long I blog.
If we suffer minor setbacks, each at different time, we won’t feel that bad, we still can take it gracefully. How if when we have to take all of them at once, the feeling is definitely BAD… The ‘taste’ of feeling is too sour and bitter for you to bear. I experienced these today… Perhaps many things followed the flow for quite a long time, all of the sudden, I’m so fragile to bear all these… I found myself in my lowest ebb now. Really down… =.=
I was quite disappointed with what I did in Web Page Design Test 2. I did badly because I didn’t study a single word before the test. I spent all my time doing assignment. This is my mistake. I have to evaluate myself on this (tonight perhaps). My time management is really poor.
I was disappointed with what I got for English for Communication’s assignment. We really put in a lot of effort in the entire process of preparing the drama. There was even a conflict in between, and it really took a great toll on us. But at the end, we were able to put all the negative thoughts aside and presented the drama successfully (at least for our own view). This seemed to be contrary to others (can be seen in how much we scored for the drama).
I was disappointed to see my friends, John and his group not getting the first in the drama competition. They were really good, their language is really good. For me, I think they deserved to be the winner, they really should be the one enjoyed the glory of chamber.
I’m really worried with my future. I was once firm with what I want and what I choose. However, people around me start telling me that it’s not promising to choose Actuarial Science as my bachelor degree major course. Is it true? I’m ready to take all the difficulties of the course. But the problem is that I can’t control the market. It seems that I have made a risky choice (or worst still I have made a “sure-lose” decision).
I’m wondering why all of the sudden my wall of confidence collapse.
I’m wondering why all of the sudden I let all my emotions control me.
I’m wondering why all of the sudden I mind my results so much.
I’m wondering why all of the sudden I’m so silly to write out this.
Okay, I think it’s time for me to make a SELF-EVALUATION…
Saturday, April 7, 2007
One Year in PJ
I don't deny there are many unhappy moments and arguments among us in this one year, but every time instead of building a wall, we build a bridge!!!
However most of them will go Setapak Campus to further their studies... I'm truly sad for this... I really hope I can freeze the time... As the adage goes, the result is not that important, what matters is the process... Perhaps they are just some passers-by in my life, but surely I will not forget them... They give me assurance and support when I am down... I have nothing to show them how I cherish them... I think we don't need any action or word to prove anything, because far at the bottom of our hearts, we FIRMLY have each other!!!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Final Fantasy

Our tentative slogan for the website is "Where there is a thrill, there is Final Fantasy". This is my idea, lame right? I open this to everyone, please tell me if you have any idea regarding this...
Final Fantasy is our ever last topic, hopefully we can come out with some sparks, come out with final fantasy!!!
updated: How about "Ultimate Fancy, Final Fantasy"? Is it lame? Haizz.. I'm so lame, can't think of any creative ones..