Sunday, April 29, 2007

When should I call it a day?

Looking at stacks of facts, theories, processes, examples, my brain is really going to burst soon. I can understand those facts, theories, blah blah blah, but somehow I find that if I don’t memorize, definitely I’m going to screw this subject up tomorrow. Management is really hard to read, even tougher than History, you still can treat History book as a story book and enjoy it (to some extent), but it’s not for Management.

Sigh, I really don’t know what time only I can finish reading Management. When should I call it a day? Now? Should I just sleep early tonight and don’t care so much? I really hope that April 30th 2007, 4p.m. comes as soon as possible…


~K£cќ~ said...

I'm gona fail too =.= ... T.T help me T.T T.T T.T ....

Management = memorizing ... even if you dont understand still can answer if you did.

No memorize = blank answer booklet or rather crap XDXD .... =.=

Lau Ky said...

Shit I can't squeeze anything into my imitate Core 2 Duo... (=_=) It seems like my hard disk is so full of games and online materials... Can't put in anything now... (T_T)

nostalgia.jesskang said...

Uninstall all the games.

~K£cќ~ said...

REFORMAT IT WAHAHAHA XDXD ... it would be as good as new ^^

James2spooky said...

Is the test over now?

Lau Ky said...

Nope it's not...

~K£cќ~ said...

It isn't? @.@

James2spooky said...

How many hours to go? Shit, I'm still far behind... -keep writing-

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