Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Year Card or SMS?

Short talk:
Lecturer F: Everyone of us is a millionaire. If not million, at least we have half of it...
Students: ??
Lecturer F: Because everyone of us has air....
Students: @.@

No matter if you are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist, as long as you are a Chinese, you celebrate Chinese New Year.... Chinese New Year 2008 is creeping in. It can be seen that market now is flooded with all types of CNY wishing cards, be it a red one, a white one, a colorful one, a small one, a big one, a giant one..... The price ranges from 50 cents to a few bucks per piece. But as the world is getting more and more digitalized, the wishing cards and stamps business are affected, if not dramatic, at least to a certain apparent degree.

Personally, I feel that people still like to receive cards rather than SMSes, because after all, cards are tangible and it shows that you are really sincere enough as you take the trouble to choose the card, write the wishes, glue it, buy stamps and post it.

I still remembered when I was in Standard Two, I really wished someone to post me a CNY wishing card. But you know it is quite impossible as we ourselves don't even know our home address, what more our friends. By a chance of that year, my parents brought us to visit our uncle a week before the CNY. I saw my cousin receiving many many CNY cards and she was writing on the cards to be posted out. Then my mischief tipped me, my expression showed how much desperate I wanted the card, my cousin seemed to read my mind, she said she would post to all four of us (I have four siblings). Then when we went home, my siblings and I waited desperately everyday for the postman to come, but everytime it disappointed us. It was either telephone bill or my dad's formal letters. *sobbing* I really wish to prepare for CNY together with my family, like buying cookies, decorating house, etc...

*sweat* I've actually been mumbling or grumbling for so long...

Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year 2008!!!


~K£cќ~ said...

Chinese New Year is around one month away ... so fast got excited? =.=

nostalgia.jesskang said...

Not excited, but sad.... Assignment and tests ahead T_T