This year my Christmas is not a lonely one and is free without assignments!!! I spent my Christmas Eve with friends at Hometown in my hometown.... What a pun?!
Nothing special but just a crazy chit-chat and a long session of phot0-taking... *sweat*
Perhaps we talked too loud and annoyed the perverts beside our table. They seemed taking down a lot of pictures of us, especially Shane's bottom. -.-
After three hours there, we then headed home... Lame....
According to my friend, Christmas is meant for us to rest after a one-year hard work. What do you think?
After three hours there, we then headed home... Lame....
According to my friend, Christmas is meant for us to rest after a one-year hard work. What do you think?
Lol pevert =.=?? swt you perasan onli izit ....
Who ask you talk so loud XDXD
Err then new year is to a day to rest before starting work? @.@ Its supposed to be for Christians to celebrate the day Jesus rose up (i think IF im not mistaken >.< forgot liao)
Serious la... The two are really perverts!!!
Not me talking so loud, ok?
I mean if not Christian, then what is Christmas meant for?
=.=.. wonder what they wan my bottom for... sob.. sob...
If not christian, christmas is for us to learn to take advntage of others' celebration or festival.. lol...
Its another holiday for us YAY~
Hey Shack, is the 'pun' used correctly in this entry? HAHA
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