Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Eve 2007

This year my Christmas is not a lonely one and is free without assignments!!! I spent my Christmas Eve with friends at Hometown in my hometown.... What a pun?!

Nothing special but just a crazy chit-chat and a long session of phot0-taking... *sweat*

Sweet Ageing 18'

Orange Juice

Ice Lemon Tea



Ewe Chin

Merry Christmas!!!

Perhaps we talked too loud and annoyed the perverts beside our table. They seemed taking down a lot of pictures of us, especially Shane's bottom. -.-

After three hours there, we then headed home... Lame....

According to my friend, Christmas is meant for us to rest after a one-year hard work. What do you think?


~K£cќ~ said...

Lol pevert =.=?? swt you perasan onli izit ....

Who ask you talk so loud XDXD

Err then new year is to a day to rest before starting work? @.@ Its supposed to be for Christians to celebrate the day Jesus rose up (i think IF im not mistaken >.< forgot liao)

nostalgia.jesskang said...

Serious la... The two are really perverts!!!

Not me talking so loud, ok?

I mean if not Christian, then what is Christmas meant for?

Shane said...

=.=.. wonder what they wan my bottom for... sob.. sob...

If not christian, christmas is for us to learn to take advntage of others' celebration or festival.. lol...

~K£cќ~ said...

Its another holiday for us YAY~

nostalgia.jesskang said...

Hey Shack, is the 'pun' used correctly in this entry? HAHA