Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wall Art?

Suddenly this crossed my mind.... It happened when I was back PJ three months ago... Saw it on the wall somewhere near Petaling Street...




"Rape the wall, not the kids"




What do you think? :)

p/s: If it is still there when I go back PJ later, I promise to take down the pic... I was in a hurry last time when I saw it...


~K£cќ~ said...

How to rape the wall? -.-: draw on it?

Lau Ky said...

Rape it by scribbling or drawing graffiti on it.

Yes, I like that. Sometimes, those whatever-you-call-it people aren't crapping at all, I mean, not all the time. Sometimes they really deliver messages that are so true. As to say, I don't hate graffiti at all, in fact I like them. Some can even draw better than me. (DUH)

~K£cќ~ said...

DUH a lot in fact can draw better, but usually they spray instead -.-"

Lau Ky said...

But even if they sprayed they can still spray well.